Birmingham female drag artist Swingerella - alter ego of mother-of-two Andrea Smith - was allegedly chased out of India by military police for showcasing an "indecent" performance (Photograph: Andrea Smith)
Birmingham female drag artist Swingerella – alter ego of mother-of-two Andrea Smith – was allegedly chased out of India by military police for showcasing an “indecent” performance (Photograph: Andrea Smith)

Yes, I was chased out of India for my performance at the Women’s Economic Forum.

It seems that my Birmingham based theatre show’Swingerella’s Dark Fairytale’ was too spicy a balti for the audience out there with toilet brushes stuck up their clenched asses.

What I didn’t realise until I got back (rather swiftly – 3 planes, 4 countries but recognised at Abu Dhabi airport and looked okay for the selfie, so that’s okay) ……jet lag…..what I didn’t realise until I got back was this was more about class than gender.

Swingerella has travelled to the Women's Economic Forum in Delhi to perform (Photograph: Swingerella)
Swingerella – aka Andrea Smith – travelled to the Women’s Economic Forum in Delhi to perform but claims her performance was rejected (Photograph: Andrea Smith)

The American women especially had something inserted up their ass called entitlement and a smell under their nose powered by Husband’s money. Me? I went to the conference with my last bit of money earned from teaching in Birmingham and clothes bought at the £15 a kilo vintage sale at the Custard Factory.

I didn’t take a hairbrush and felt it only right to wear holey fishnets for the entire week in 50 degree hear. Because goddesses must set standards don’t you know.


Yes standards of authenticity, decency – and let’s not ignore the young girls handing us towels in the toilets who stand there all day watching disgustingly self centred women check their gowns zipped up with their fat husband’s thieving hands. And yes, that’s a metaphor.Keep up.

Andrea Smith's drag act Swingerella has previously appeared on TV shows Britain's Got Talent and Come Dine With Me
Andrea Smith’s drag act Swingerella has previously appeared on TV shows Britain’s Got Talent and Come Dine With Me

Did my sexiness offend you? Or was it the bruises I painted on? Bleached blonde hair? Or that scent of dignity in failure I shared with the toilet attendant? It looks like this Birmingham artist changed the world by getting into their world, getting out and reporting back on what she saw. It looks like Birmingham is going on the map.

Swingerella will be fighting back the critics by attending Birmingham Preide this bank holiday weekend (Photograph@ Andrea Smith)
Swingerella will be fighting back the critics by attending Birmingham Preide this bank holiday weekend (Photograph: Andrea Smith)

But could the Birmingham Mail see past the drag queen knickers? No. Why not? Even the Daily Mail has talked about and shared my work. Do I have to return to my home town to face more prejudice from Birmingham media – this time about my age with a dollop of body shaming thrown in?

In protest, I will be papering my dress for Birmingham Pride this weekend with the rather seedy front page the Birmingham Mail chose to write about an amazing Brummie achievement. Proud of Birmingham? Yes. So why can’t Birmingham be proud of me?

You can find me online at, and on Twitter and YouTube.




Swingerella is a comedienne, compere and self-proclaimed “Goddess of Fabulousness” who is currently campaigning against domestic violence as part of the Goddess Foundation. You can follow her on Twitter @Swingerella.

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