Yes, it is Star Wars Day, reminding us of the intergalactic battle between good and evil, of empires striking back, of clone wars, of phantom menaces and new hopes.

It’s also the West Midlands Combined Authority Mayoral Election, which – as glamorous as it sounds – isn’t anything like the wonderful worlds, characters and epic space soap opera adventures of George Lucas’ Star Wars… until now.

Yes, what better way (or so we thought) of bringing together these two glorious days than to mash them up for the most awesome and ultimate tribute to Star Wars since Jar Jar Binks?

Oh, how somebody should have stopped us. But no one did. What can you do? Enjoy.


Green and Red?

Jedi Master Yoda and Communist Graham Stevenson, always ready to fight the EmpireHarvey McDonald/Adam Yosef/LucasFilm/Disney
Jedi Master Yoda and Communist Graham Stevenson, both always ready to fight the Empire


Padmé LibDémala

Lib Dem candidate Beverly Nielsen mocked up to look like Princess Padmé AmidalaHarvey McDonald/Paul Stringer/LucasFilm/Disney
Lib Dem candidate Beverly Nielsen mocked up to look like Princess Padmé Amidala


Andy Streethius

Andy Street. Not your average Tory, but tempted by the Dark Side all the sameHarvey McDonald/Paul Stringer/LucasFilm/Disney
Andy Street. Not your average Tory, but tempted by the Dark Side all the same


Well, he does like recycling…

Green Party candidate James Burn as a Force Ghost because, well, er, it's environmentally friendlyHarvey McDonald/Paul Stringer/LucasFilm/Disney
Green Party candidate James Burn as a Force Ghost because, well, er, it’s environmentally friendly


Luke Siônwalker. Check out that hair.

He does like a good comeback, so it's Siôn Simon as Luke SkywalkerHarvey McDonald/Paul Stringer/LucasFilm/Disney
Labour’s Siôn Simon as Luke Skywalker. He does like a good comeback…. after disappearing for long periods of time



Because, let's face it, as far as votes go - whether we like it or not - he'll probably get totally 'mauled' (sorry!)Harvey McDonald/Paul Stringer/LucasFilm/Disney
Because, let’s face it, as far as votes go – whether we like it or not – UKIP’s Pete Durnell will probably get totally ‘mauled’ (sorry!)


Awesome Star Wars photo mock-ups by Harvey McDonald



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