Hundreds of people came together outside Birmingham Cathedral to sing Toto's famous 80s classic 'Africa'

Birmingham flashmob performs Toto’s ‘Africa’ in mass singalong [VIDEO]

Hundreds of Brummies gathered outside Birmingham Cathedral this evening to belt out Toto’s famous 80s classic ‘Africa‘, in a bid to spread a bit of happiness. Armed with their phones and song sheets, people of all ages and backgrounds joined forces in the city centre for only a few minutes, to share their love of the popular song, before dispersing…

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Redheaded men bare all in a new racy calendar to fight stigma and prejudice while raising money for charity

Here’s the 12 buff ginger dudes who stripped naked to fight stigma [NSFW]

Twelve redheaded dudes have stripped totally naked to raise money for charity, while taking a stand against the stigma associated with being ginger. Often socially mocked for being very pale but for bright fiery hair, redheads aren’t traditionally the poster-boys for ‘popular’ beauty standards, but these fellas are showing off their assets to change just that.

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