Former Eastenders actor Des Coleman takes to the stage at Town Hall Birmnigham for the launch of local Black History Month celebrations

Calls for greater recognition of achievement at Black History Month launch in Birmingham

Black History Month 2018 has been launched in Birmingham and community leaders are talking about fighting for better recognition of black contributions to British culture and history.  At a special launch event marking three decades of Black History Month in the UK, an array of guests; including black music researcher Mikaell Riley and the first black woman Lord Mayor of…

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A guerilla artist has painted Jeremy Corbyn's face over a prominent billboard in Birmingham

Birmingham artist paints Jeremy Corbyn’s face on massive billboard during Tory conference

Guerilla artist Void One has hijacked another Birmingham billboard, and this time plastered it with the face of Jeremy Corbyn, as the Conservative Party conference began in the city. As Prime Minister Theresa May led the Tory gathering at the International Convention Centre in Broad Street, a new work of protest art went up in Digbeth, emblazoned with an image of Labour Party leader…

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