The Green lane Masjid has received a Victorian Society Conservation Award for their renovation work

Birmingham mosque receives Victorian Society award for conserving local history

A Birmingham mosque has been presented with a special award for conservation and renovation of a Grade II listed building. Last week, the Green Lane Masjid, a mosque and community centre was formally presented with the prestigious Victorian Society 2017 Birmingham & West Midlands Conservation Award for the renovation of their historic building in Small Heath, Birmingham.

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Game of Thrones actor Maisiie Williams dropped in to Birmingham CIty University to inspire media students

What was Game of Thrones star Maisie Williams doing at a Birmingham university?

Television and movie star Maisie Williams, aka Game of Thrones‘ Arya Stark, made an appearance at Birmingham City University yesterday. The lecture theatre was packed with students eager to hear from a fellow millennial about her newest endeavour as an app developer.  The Bristol-born actress launched her app Daisie in partnership with Dom Santry last August. What was her take away advice…

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