Emergency services search for a 'body' in the lake inside Small Heath Park

Police search for ‘dead body’ dumped in Small Heath Park lake

The Small Heath community were left in a state of shock yesterday as emergency service crews arrived in Small Heath Park after reports that ‘a dead body had been dumped’ in the lake.

Officers from West Midlands Police, including Incident Support teams and a West Midlands Ambulance crew, were at Small Heath Park as specialist teams trawled the water for a dead body according to police.

Local residents around Small Heath Park were left in a state of shock yesterday afternoon as police and ambulance crews converged around the famous lake inside Small Heath Park near the bandstand on Tuesday 9th June.

A Hazardous Area Response Team were also at the scene around the lake after claims that a ‘human leg’ had been discovered in the water.

Incident Support teams quickly equipped themselves and team members began the task of searching as police officers kept members of the public at a safe distance.

Emergency services search for a 'body' in the lake inside Small Heath Park
[/media-credit] Emergency services search for a ‘dead body’ in the lake inside Small Heath Park

There was initial speculation that the crews were there following a drowning but this was dismissed by police.

I Am Birmingham contacted West Midlands Police and asked for details regarding this disturbing incident.

A police spokesperson issued a statement and confirmed that emergency crews were sent to Small Heath Park “with police officers in attendance after reports that a dead body had been dumped in the lake yesterday morning”.

Local residents watch in horror as emergency crews search for a 'dead body'
[/media-credit] Local residents watch in horror as emergency crews search for a ‘dead body’

Thankfully, the search by emergency crews concluded yesterday with no body being found.

This will be a huge relief to local residents and families who use the park on a daily basis.

There have been calls for more policing in the area around the park following anti-social gang related incidents involving drugs and prostitution.

Drug activity is a serious concern for families who visit Small Heath Park
[/media-credit] Drug activity is a serious concern for families who visit Small Heath Park

Visitors to the park have reported seeing needles, gas cannisters and used condoms littered around the park.

A group of local volunteers called Friends of Small Heath Park have been conducting regular community clean-up operations in the park and have called for more action from Birmingham City Council to make the park safer and cleaner, and for the iconic Park Keeper’s Lodge to be restored.

It is hoped these actions will deter crime in the park and make the place safer and cleaner for the community.

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