Birmingham beat Liverpool last month to represent Britain's bid for the 2022 Commonwealth Games

Birmingham city council seeks Commonwealth Games feedback from city residents

Birmingham City Council is asking residents to provide their feedback on the Commonwealth Games which are due to be held in the city for the first time in 2022.

Under the banner of “A Games for Everyone”, the council wants to hear from Birmingham citizens about what they think of the major sporting event,  which will held in the city between 28 July to 8 August 2022.

As a Games Partner, council officials also want to hear views on community involvement and would like to give the public an opportunity to find out more about the council’s role in the progress of the Games.

Birmingham City Council and partners have dubbed the sporting event "A Games for Everyone"
[/media-credit] Birmingham City Council and partners have dubbed the sporting event “A Games for Everyone”

In a statement today, Birmingham City Council announced, “The Commonwealth Games provides an exciting opportunity to celebrate the city, its people, history and culture.

“With the Games now less than two years away, we’d like to hear the thoughts of our citizens on Birmingham hosting the Commonwealth Games.

“There is also the opportunity to find out more about the Council’s role and getting involved.”

The short survey consists of six questions, among them queries about how the public would like to see the city benefit from the games, what Birmingham has to offer, and whether residents feel like they’ve been informed enough about the games.

Some questions ask responders to indicate how much they agree or disagree with included statements, while others allow participants to include their own written feedback.

Birmingham City Council have launched a brief Commonwealth Games 2022 survey for residents
[/media-credit] Birmingham City Council have launched a brief Commonwealth Games 2022 survey for residents

Council representatives hope greater community interaction will encourage Brummies to “get involved and help shape a legacy”.

“While we work together through these challenging times, your city council remains committed to making Birmingham a sustainable and thriving place to live, work and learn for years to come.

“The Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games provides an exciting opportunity to celebrate the city, its people, history and culture. Looking to the future, we’d like to hear your thoughts on the Games and how you would like to see the city benefit.”

At the time of the city’s bid for the Games, the estimated and approved cost was set at £750 million but recent figures show this has since escalated to around £218 million.

To complete the survey on the Commonwealth Games, click here. The survey closes at 11:59pm on Sunday 15 November 2020.

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