A man has been jailed after offering a woman money for sex before savagely raping her.
Khadim Drame had followed the woman, in her 40s, off a bus as she made her way home from her boyfriend’s house. She told 18-year-old Drame to leave her alone, before crossing the road to avoid him.
But as she cut through a park off Witton Lane, Aston in March last year, which she wouldn’t normally do at that time of night, to avoid him further, she was grabbed from behind, forced to the floor and brutally raped.
The distraught woman made her way home nearby and immediately called police.
Our investigators examined CCTV of the area which showed clearly the woman being approached by Drame and her efforts to reject and avoid him.

We back-tracked the footage to where she got off a bus and then studied the bus camera footage, which showed alarmingly that Drame had been a passenger on the bus with a group of friends prior to his attack.
Further CCTV tracking showed Drame making his way back to his home in Norris Road after the attack, where he was arrested five days later and charged.
In May, with such overwhelming evidence including a DNA match, Drame, now 20, pleaded guilty to rape and was sentenced yesterday (8 July) to seven and a half years in prison with a further three years on licence.
He will have to serve two thirds of that sentence before being eligible to apply for parole and will also be placed on the Sex Offender Register for life.
Sergeant Louise Wooff said: “This savage attack has had a devastating impact on the victim.
“The fact that Drame saw her on the bus and followed her shows a chilling amount of premeditation.
“I commend her bravery and hope Drame’s admission and sentence brings her some sense of justice.”
If you have been a victim of rape, no matter how long ago, West Midlands Police have officers specially trained to help. To find out more information, visit: https://west-midlands.police.uk/your-options/rape