A music empowerment programme currently in over 1,000 primary schools in the UK, teaching tens of thousands of children music, is heading to Birmingham next month.
Rocksteady Music School is the world’s largest peripatetic teaching rock school and is arriving in the city’s schools this April to teach music in a band setting to primary school children.
The school will be aiming to give Brummie youngsters a chance to learn how to play music together, empower children to learn an instrument and provide an inclusive programme that’s accessible to all pupils while supporting wellbeing and contributing to academic progress; with bursary, pupil premium and funded options available.
What is Rocksteady Music School?
Founded in 2007, Rocksteady has become a leading light in Primary School Music education, regularly teaching tens of thousands of children each week and reaching hundreds of thousands more through the in-house foundation. As well as musical progression, lessons are designed to be inclusive and increase confidence and wellbeing.
15 years ago, visionary music teacher and Rocksteady founder Mark Robinson discovered that teaching music in a band setting using child-led practices not only speeds up the rate of musical progression but can deliver a life changing impact on children’s confidence, resilience, and wellbeing. In a recent study* 100% of Heads said that Rocksteady had a significant positive impact on their pupils.
Today, Rocksteady teaches in over 1,000 UK primary schools across the UK, and tens of thousands of pupils every week, and in September 2021, Rocksteady Music School and Trinity College London launched a new and more inclusive music qualification for Primary School children in Years 5 and 6 across the UK, and in February they announced that more Primary School children have enrolled on Rocksteady Music Schools ‘exam-free’ music qualification than took A-level music last year.
The new Rocksteady qualification – ‘Music Performance in Bands’ awarded by Trinity Music College, enrolments surpass 6,000 students, which is more than 1,000 more than the 2021 summer enrolments for Music A-Level.
This revolutionary Ofqual regulated ‘exam free’ music qualification is available in UK primary schools who offer Rocksteady. Children gain a qualification based on skills observed in lessons, rather than in a one-off exam or end of year performance.
Rocksteady’s Director of Education, Rachel Hawker said: “I’m thrilled that we have been able to enrol so many children who otherwise may have been unlikely to choose or have the opportunity to work towards a music qualification at this primary age.
“Because the program is designed around our existing technology, inclusive child-led pedagogy and a quality assurance infrastructure, children continue to enjoy all the fun and wellbeing benefits of their Rocksteady lessons without any distraction or stress of feeling like they are being measured.”
For information about the programme, visit www.rocksteadymusicschool.com.