West Midlands Police broke up a large group of "car cruisers" last night

Birmingham court continues Black Country street racing ban after collisions and deaths

The High Court in Birmingham has continued the interim injunction banning ‘street racing’, also known as ‘car cruising’, in the Black Country after several collisions and deaths. The interim injunction prohibits people from participating, as a driver, a rider or a passenger, in a gathering of two or more people at which some of those…

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Jess Phillips MP with her lookalike Spitting Image puppet

Jess Phillips ‘calls for general election’ after declaring Spitting Image puppets better than real government

Jess Phillips has been inspired to call for a general election after attending the satirical Spitting Image stage show last night.  The outspoken MP for Birmingham Yardley was in the audience at the Rep theatre on Thursday (16 February) after which shared her views about the current crop of politicians after seeing the sidesplitting satirical show.

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