Cllr Ian Ward faces chop as Labour Party seeks new Birmingham City Council leader

Cllr Ian Ward is facing an uncertain future as the national Labour Party seeks to replace him as leader of Birmingham City Council.

The shocking shakeup comes after an internal report was leaked which highlights serious allegations against Cllr Ward who is leader of the largest local authority in the country.

The internal report was commissioned by Labour’s National Executive Committee and put together by Birmingham Campaign Improvement Board.

The report exposes heavy duty allegations which includes racism, harassment, toxicity and misogyny against the leadership. Cllr Ward was elected leader of Birmingham City Council in 2017 but faced a bitter leadership challenge last year which he narrowly survived by just two votes.

When the serious allegations in the report first came to light earlier this month Cllr Ward was reportedly asked to resign by party insiders but he has steadfastly refused to do so and has continued in his role as council leader.

Despite refusing to stand down as leader the national Labour Party is reportedly preparing to stage interviews on Friday 19 May to choose a new leader. Cllr Ward has vowed to put his name forward for the upcoming leadership interviews.

The new leader could be announced as early as Saturday 20 May when party members gather for their annual general meeting.

Cllr Ward believes he has the confidence of party members: “I retain the confidence of the Birmingham Labour Group having recently won a leadership election and I hope to continue leading our group as we tackle the major challenges that our city faces.”

Cllr Robert Alden, Leader of the Opposition and Birmingham Local Conservatives, (Cons, Erdington) is very critical of Cllr Ward’s 6-year leadership of Birmingham City Council.

Cllr Alden, said: “What the Labour Party in London have finally woken up to will be of no surprise to the residents of Birmingham.

“Dysfunctional and chaotic leadership leading to failing services and spiralling costs, streets piled with rubbish, council tenants forced to live in damp and mouldy homes, children with additional needs put at risk and unable to get their legal rights to appropriate education, pothole ridden roads, and ever-increasing council tax and other charges.”

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