Hundreds of people came together outside Birmingham Cathedral to sing Toto's famous 80s classic 'Africa'

Birmingham flashmob performs Toto’s ‘Africa’ in mass singalong [VIDEO]

Hundreds of Brummies gathered outside Birmingham Cathedral this evening to belt out Toto’s famous 80s classic ‘Africa‘, in a bid to spread a bit of happiness. Armed with their phones and song sheets, people of all ages and backgrounds joined forces in the city centre for only a few minutes, to share their love of the popular song, before dispersing…

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The Boy with the Topknot stars Himmut Singh as the young Sathnam Sanghera and Sacha Dhawan as the lead character as an adult

Sacha Dhawan joins ‘Boy with the Topknot’ cast for BBC screening in Wolverhampton

Actor Sacha Dhawan has returned to Wolverhampton to join cast and crew for a special screening of new BBC drama The Boy with the Topknot. After having recently filmed in the West Midlands city, the Iron Fist and Sherlock star was back in Wolves to officially launch a preview of the one-off feature length programme, which is based…

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Birmingham activist Saffiyah Khan is the subject of a new song by Billy Bragg

Singer Billy Bragg releases song inspired by activist Saffiyah Khan

English singer-songwriter Billy Bragg has shared a new song inspired by Birmingham social justice activist Saffiyah Khan, who faced down an angry EDL thug earlier this year. In what has since become an internationally iconic photograph, young activist Khan was snapped staring down an English Defence League ruffian during a demonstration in Birmingham city centre in…

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Young Black Country comedian Michael Crump will be joining Ross Noble on stage

Local comedy hopeful set to share stage with surrealist stand-up Ross Noble

Young West Midlands actor and entertainer Michael Crump – who appeared in BBC drama Danny and the Human Zoo in 2015 – will be joining legendary stand-up surrealist Ross Noble on stage this week, as part of celebrations marking Black Country Day. The wonderfully talented 23-year-old comedian from Blackheath spoke to I Am Birmingham’s Harvey McDonald about what it’s…

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