I Am Birmingham

Got a story? 

Have a suggestion or tip for a feature, article or column?

You can get in touch with us by emailing: news[at]iambirmingham.co.uk

(This is the best point of contact for general queries, press/news releases, dropping pitches, content licensing and editorial feedback – not advertising or spam)

Alternatively, you can contact:

Editor-in-chief | Adam Yosef | adam[at]iambirmingham.co.uk (Direct emails only, not press releases)

Chief Photographer | Denise Maxwell | denise[at]iambirmingham.co.uk (Photojournalism related only)

Please note: Only email our team members directly if you are already in direct contact with them and they are still active with us (see ‘Team‘ page), especially in relation to ongoing stories. If it’s urgent, please email our editor. You can also tweet or direct message I Am Birmingham via Twitter.

If you’re looking to advertise or find out about corporate partnerships, email: advertising@iambirmingham.co.uk 

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PLEASE NOTE: I Am Birmingham is an online news website prioritising news about Birmingham and the West Midlands but with a limited staff and so, while we aim to try our best, we regret we cannot respond to all emails and queries at all times.

Last updated: 15/02/2022

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