Birmingham Central Mosque may close its doors to public to encourage self-isolation

Birmingham’s biggest mosque could cancel prayer services as elderly are told to stay at home

Birmingham’s largest mosque could cancel congregational prayers if the coronavirus situation gets any worse, according to its chairman. The Birmingham Central Mosque in Highgate has exclusively revealed to I Am Birmingham that Friday prayer services, which attract thousands of worshippers every week, could be abandoned as stricter regulation is enforced around large gatherings.

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Christchurch massacre: British mosque calls for solidarity as several vigils planned for victims

The people of Birmingham are to host emergency vigils today to show solidarity with the victims and families of the shootings at two mosques in Christchurch. Anti-racism organisations have joined forces with Birmingham mosques to stand resilient in the face of Islamophobia, following a terror attack on hundreds of worshippers at a mosque in Christchurch, New…

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