Derek Chauvin has been found guilty of murdering George Floyd

Anti-racism campaigners call for action against UK police following George Floyd trial verdict

Anti-racism campaigners are calling for action to charge rogue police officers in Britain, following news of the verdict in the high-profile George Floyd trial in the United States. Campaigners from Stand Up To Racism have welcomed the guilty verdict for all three charges against Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd, but have also claimed similar charges haven’t been…

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Pogus Caeasar Handsworth Riots - 1985

REVIEW: Handsworth Riots 1985 – Pogus Caesar’s photographs hold a tragic mirror to our age

Birmingham artist and photographer Pogus Caesar has released a new book, ‘Handsworth Riots 1985’, which revisits a notorious chapter in Birmingham’s history.  In the publication, Caesar’s material showcases powerful and visceral moments of social chaos on the streets of Birmingham which were ignited by a Molotov cocktail of racism, poverty, and political unrest that continue to…

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A 'white privilege' poster was spotted pasted on a wall in Bradford Street, Digbeth

Brum satirical street artist strikes again with ‘white privilege’ parody poster

A daring new poster which employs acidic satire to attack and highlight the concept of ‘white privilege’ has been displayed in Digbeth, Birmingham. The parody poster is the work of an enigmatic Birmingham street artist and activist known as Foka Wolf, an anonymous urban creative who is often compared to Banksy in his scathing but hilarious socio-political observations.

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Thousands march in Birmingham in act of solidarity for police brutality victim George Floyd

Birmingham city centre was packed with thousands of ‘Black Lives Matter’ protestors on Thursday afternoon to show solidarity for George Floyd, who died as a result of US police brutality on May 25 in Minnesota. The shocking death of the black victim, who kept pleading ‘I can’t breathe’ as a white officer pressed his knee…

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Ali (centre, wearing gas mask) talks to police after painting the George Floyd tribute in Kings Heath

Brum council says ‘sorry’ after admitting it whitewased George Floyd art by ‘mistake’

Birmingham City Council has issued an apology after a street art tribute to George Floyd was removed hours after being painted in Kings Heath by a Birmingham artist. Mohammed Ali was deeply “saddneed and disturbed” when he discovered his street art tribute to George Floyd had been mysteriously removed. After investigating the issue he found…

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