Starchitects is a high flying show that defies gravity

REVIEW: Starchitects – a high flying show where youthful imagination runs free

A youthful group of performers brought pulsating energy and imaginative bursts of joy in a family show called Starchitects in Birmingham on Friday (3 February). Dance company Motionhouse delighted the audience at The Birmingham Hippodrome in a show that seemed to defy gravity as dancers leaped through the air and took a trip to the moon.

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Strictly Ballroom: The Musical is a thrilling and colourful show

REVIEW: Strictly Ballroom: The Musical – a glittering night of hot dancing in Birmingham

On a cold and wet Halloween evening, with the night coming in earlier after the end of British Summer Time, hearts were warmed by the glittering dancing on The Birmingham Hippodrome stage as Strictly Ballroom: The Musical heated up the temperature. The hot show blazed and dazzled with an array of stunning dance sequences – and…

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ITV news presenter Bob Warman decided who he'll be voting for

Boris or Corbyn: How are Brummie celebs voting in the General Election?

It’s Election Day, the day where Britain goes to the polls to make its choice. These are turbulent, decade-defining times, and everyone should exercise their right to vote — including celebrities. Celebrities are people too, and like the rest of the country, the actors, musicians and rising talent of the UK have been mulling over who…

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Deadpool star Brianna Hildebrand with a cosplayer dressed as the Marvel character

Birmingham’s first Comic Con of the year takes city by storm

MCM Comic Con, the UK’s largest organiser of pop culture events held its first con of the year in March, battling through the snow for its most feature-packed Birmingham event yet. Back with bigger guests and more explosive and interactive content, MCM Birmingham Comic Con saw 32,188 individual pop culture fans, superheroes, gamers, comic collectors,…

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