A mural depicting a Muslim girl skateboarding is inspiring residents in Lozells, Birmingham

Street art mural of Muslim girl riding skateboard stuns Birmingham residents

A mural depicting a Muslim girl riding a skateboard has stunned Birmingham residents who have praised the artwork for its bold approach to inclusivity. The street art has been created by talented graffiti guru Bunny Bread and is part of a series of murals which aim to engage local residents in Lozells through an interactive public arts…

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Farisai Dzemwa is hosting a domestic violence awareness event online

Wolverhampton woman raising domestic violence awareness through lived experience

An inspiring woman from Wolverhampton is hosting an online event to raise awareness about domestic violence, both towards women and men. Farisai Dzemwa, 48, who herself suffered years of abuse in her homeland, is hoping the virtual workshop will help those struggling with physical and psychological abuse from a spouse, partner or family member.

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